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quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2011
Petroleum Fund revenue must target the development of the non-oil economy, especially the rural sector, in order to raise living standards, says Report
Much progress has been made in Timor-Leste in recent years, but many people remain poor. Wealth from the oil resources must be utilised effectively to promote sustainable development of non-oil areas of the economy, and to reduce disparities between the urban and rural population. This is according to Timor-Leste’s National Human Development Report 2011, launched today by President Jose Ramos-Horta and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
The Report, entitled Managing Natural Resources for Human Development: Developing the Non-Oil Economy to Achieve the MDGs, presents the achievements of the country, thus far, and proposed strategies for development in the coming years.The Report concludes that poverty levels have improved substantially since 2007. However, approximately 41 percent of the rural population continue to live in poverty.
Timor-Leste’s Human Development Index (HDI) value for 2010 is 0.502, placing it in the medium human development category, with a ranking of 120 of the 169 countries reporting in the 2010 Global Human Development Report. This constitutes a rise of 11 places since 2005. Between 2005 and 2010, Timor-Leste’s life expectancy at birth increased by more than two years, whilst mean years of schooling and expected years of schooling remained the same during this period. Timor-Leste’s Gross National Income (GNI) per capita increased by 228 percent during the same period.
The Report recognises that the economic and social impact of the 2006 crisis in the country was severe. Subsequent governments have worked hard to address the underlying issues contributing to the crisis, and to establish national priorities for development. Despite the setbacks of 2006, Timor-Leste has managed to recover and achieve high rates of growth, largely due to increased oil prices and increased public spending. The Report highlights the fact that growth needs to be equitable: “Policies to address levels of poverty cannot rely solely on the ‘trickle down’ effect of petroleum wealth, but as shown by the experiences of countries in the Southeast Asian region, policies and programmes must be put in place to ensure that growth is inclusive.”
The challenge for Timor-Leste in the coming years will be how best to use the revenue from its Petroleum Fund, and to promote the development of the non-oil economy. Consequently the focus of Timor-Leste’s National Human Development Report is on the following: “How the country’s petroleum wealth can most effectively be used for implementing pro-poor economic growth, developing the rural sector, enabling poverty reduction, facilitating employment generation and promoting private sector development.”
Developing the non-oil economy
The agricultural sector provides livelihoods for around 70 percent of the population of Timor Leste. Most of the people survive largely by subsistence farming. As the Report notes: “Improving livelihoods in the rural sector requires sustainable improvements in a number of key strategic areas, most notably in agricultural productivity, promoting crop diversification, developing agricultural processing and in enabling the marketing of products – particularly those with export potential.”
In addition, the Report identifies a number of other rural industries that are suitable for development. The fishing industry, for example, could be expanded through greater investment in boats, ice factories and transport. Ecotourism also has economic potential. Timor-Leste has a number of coastal and inland sites that are ideal for the development of eco-friendly tourist villages, which would involve local communities and provide sustainable employment for village households. “Successful implementation of policies to improve levels of human development requires a greater involvement in decision-making by those for whom these policies are devised. Hence, rural communities must be involved actively in development decisions affecting their livelihoods, via an effective decentralization to the districts and below,” says Finn Reske-Nielsen, Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary General and UNDP Resident Representative in Timor-Leste, in his Foreword to the Report.
There are also non-rural parts of the economy that could benefit from greater development. In recent years, for example, there has been substantial growth in the construction industry. Other important sectors are wholesale and retail trade, health, education and social services, the hotel and restaurant trade, and security services.
Improving Timor-Leste’s climate for business is critical for growth and for job creation. The current perception of the country’s business potential is not particularly favourable. The Report identifies a number of issues that need to be addressed in order to counter this perception: “Difficulties in resolving contract disputes; high communication costs; a serious lack of supporting services such as auditing, accounting and law practices; lack of a credit registry; limited transparency of procurement procedures; insecurity of tenure; difficulties in obtaining credit; and high risks associated with business closure.”
Achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
Timor-Leste has made substantial progress in many of the MDG areas. It has achieved its 2015 goals for infant and under-5 mortality rates, for antenatal care coverage, and for the proportion of tuberculosis detected cases. It is on-track to reach targets in other areas, such as net enrolments in primary education and proportion of population with access to an improved drinking water source.
However, Timor-Leste remains off-track for achieving a number of the MDGs targets, such as proportion of the population below the national poverty line, prevalence of underweight children under 5 years of age, and maternal mortality rate.
The Macro-Economic Framework presented in the National Human Development Report 2011 outlines strategies for the country to achieve all its MDGs by 2025. The Report argues that the strategies are: “Feasible, financially sustainable, and will enable efficient and productive use of the Petroleum Fund, provided efforts are made to develop appropriate strategies for the development of the non-oil economy and primarily for the rural sector.”
Population changes and tackling unemployment
“The country is experiencing demographic changes with profound implications for its future development,” emphasised Timor-Leste’s President Jose Ramos-Horta, in his message for the Report.
Timor-Leste has one of the highest birth rates in the world, and the majority of its population is under the age of 21. In addition, migration from the countryside to the capital, Dili, is extremely high. Dili has seen a population increase of around 150,000 since 1999, and the city accounts for around 22 percent of the total population of the country. These trends are difficult to sustain, both socially and economically, and particularly in relation to employment. “The country requires a reasonably expeditious mix of policies enabling a reduction in fertility rates, and facilitating a reduction in the current high levels of rural-urban migration,” is the recommendation of the Report.
To deal with unemployment in the longer-term, and to create a sustainable basis of development when petroleum revenues have declined, it is vital that the development of the non-oil economy be addressed.
Timor-Leste’s National Human Development Report 2011 was authored by an independent panel of experts, with consultation and peer review by UNDP, the Government of Timor-Leste, and civil society partners. The principal objective of the NHDR is to raise public awareness and trigger action on critical human development concerns.
For further information, please contact:
Rui Gomes, UNDP Head of Pro-Poor Policy Unit, Dili, +670 7231571, rui.gomes@undp.org
Luanda, 11 mai (Lusa) -- A Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP) aprovou hoje em Luanda um plano de ação para garantir a execução do Plano Estratégico para a Igualdade de Género e Empoderamento das Mulheres na organização lusófona.
Além do plano, que vigorará até 2014, a reunião extraordinária ministerial dos responsáveis pela igualdade de género da CPLP aprovou a Declaração de Luanda, de que se destaca o reforço de ações para uma "representação equilibrada" entre mulheres e homens na vida pública e política "enquanto fator de boa governação".
Da Declaração constam ainda a promoção do acesso ao microcrédito, "enquanto instrumento que garante a autonomia económica das mulheres", e o reconhecimento de que a violência contra as mulheres constitui um "problema de saúde pública".
O Plano Estratégico para a Igualdade de Género e Empoderamento das Mulheres (PECIGEM) na CPLP foi aprovado na Cimeira de Chefes de Estado da organização, que decorreu em Luanda, em julho de 2010.
Moçambique e Timor-Leste não participaram no encontro de Luanda, no qual Angola passará a assumir a presidência desta área da igualdade do género, que até hoje era presidida por Portugal.
Xanana Husu Abaixu Liafuan Otonomista-Veteranus
Husi Eugenio Pereira
Dili- Primeiru Ministru Xanana Gusmao garante katak atu hala’o prosesu dezenvolvimentu hodi hetan progresu ba futuru, ema Timor oan tenke hapara hona kultura at hodi bolu malu ho liafuan otonomista, lutador, veteranus no seluk tan.
“Atu hadia nia rain la’o ba dezenvolvimentu ita tenki para ona atu bolu malu dehan o otonomista, traidor, lutador, veteranus, Falintil, ne’e hau lakohi rona tan ona,”PM Xanana hato’o kestaun ne’e wainhira halao inkontru ho Administrador Distritu 13 iha salaun STAE Kaikoli, Dili, horseik.
Tuir Xefe Governu, lia fuan otonomista, lutador, no liafuan veteranus sai nu’udar lia fuan istoria ne’ebe ema Timoroan tenki husi nudar istoria funu nian.
Tanba tempu agora nu’udar tempuluta ba dezenvolvimentu jerasaun foun nian.
“Agora tempo atu ita hamutuk luta deit ba jerasaun foun ne’ebe aban bain rua sei mosu mai atu kaer no hadia ita nia rain,”dehan PM.
Durante ne’e, PM Xanana la simu ho lia fuan ne’ebe ema balun uja hodi bolu ema seluk nu’udar otonomista noluta nain.
Tanba tuir nia katak nasaun TL hamrik liu husi ema tomak nia sakrifisiu mate no sai vitima husi torturasaun oin-oin, ne’e duni, husu atensau ba Timor oan tenki iha nasionalismu bo’ot hatu hamutuk kaer liman metin hadi’a rai no povu nia moris sai husi mukit.
FRETILIN: " Tribunal Hetan Presaun”
.Timor Post - Kuarta, 11 Maiu 2011
Dili- Partidu Opozisaun sente preokupa no duvida tebes ho desizaun Tribunal Distrital Dili, ne’ebe fo liberdade total ba Jose Luís Guterres relasiona ho kazu abuzu de poder.
“Ami deskonfia, desizaun Tribunal nakonu ho presaun no influensia husi membru Governu, ami konsidera juiz ne’ebé kaer kazu ne’e, ta’uk atu deskobre realidade no lialos ba públiku, tamba hetan presaun maka’as,”Xefe Bancada Partido Opozisaun, Aniceto Guterres. SH hato’o
ida ne’e, Tersa (10/5) iha uma fukun PN, Dili.
Aniceto rekonese prekupa tiha ona, antes desizaun Tribunal julga membru governu ida, no Parlamentu kuandu la halo suspensaun, ne’e buat rum abele mosu iha tribunal, ne’ebe liliu oinsa atu kombate korupsaun, tamba bele mosu presaun ka influensia oi-oin ba juiz, ne’ebe kaer kazu ne’e, posibilmente bele halo ida ne’e, agora mak akontese,”Aniceto esplika tan.
Aniceto hateten, maske desijaun ne’ebe mai husi juis internasional ne’ebe depende ba kontratu ne’ebe governu halo, maibe husi kontratu refere iha presaun maka husi membru governu no influenzia ba juiz internasional, atu tesi tuir membru governu nia hakarak.
Ho atetude hanesan ne’e, tuir Anieto, estadu TL sei labele atu kombate korupsaun iha nasaun, hodi defende povu sira nia ezijensia kona-ba lia loos no justisa.
Opozisaun temi influenza maka’as mos be’e mai husi Asesor Legal José Luis Guterres, ne’ebe mos asumi kargu sekretariu Jeral Partidu CNRT, Deonizo Babo.
Fatot ida importante ne’ebe influensia desizaun tribunal, Aniceto dehan tan, mak laiha suspensaun, ba Jose Luis Guterres, suspensaun husi Parlamentu nasional, atu fasilita Jose Luis hatan iha Tribunal loron ne’e deit,”Lokraik, ni (Jose Luis-red) asumi fali nia kargu,
hanesan membru governu,”akresenta nia.
Iha fatin hanesan deputadu husi Bancada CNRT, Aderito Hugo da Costa konsidera desizaun tribunal ne’e positive, kredibel no imparsial tebes, tanba Juiz sira hatudu kapasidade Lei.
“Ne’e mesajen forte ba Ministeriu Publiku no Provedoria Direitus Humanus e Justisa (PDHJ), husu ba PDHJ ho MP atu esforsu servisu diak liu tan ba oin,”nia dehan.
Aderito Observa, PM ho PDHJ halo deitsensasi tanba oferese evidensia forte,”labele koko ka tenta politiza-liu ba opozisaun sira, Partidu opozisaun sira la fiar ona justisa, liliu juis sira ne’ebe mak servisu iha tribunal,”nia dehan tan.
Deputada Bancada PUN, Fernanda Borges mos dehan desizaun Tribunal hatudu honistidade ba publiku no hatudu duni justisa ne’ebe adekuadu no kredibel.
Deputadu Bancada PD, Adriano do Nascimento kongratula tribunal Dili ba desizaun ne’e, tanba hatudu kapasidade, indepedensia no professional.
Adriano mos husu ba Ministeriu Publiku atu labele konsentra demais ba kazu politku, maibe konsentra mos kazu sivil no kazu criminal sira seluk ne’ebe agora dadauk butuk hela iha Ministeriu Publiku.
Molok desizaun husi Tribunal, ba kazu JLG iha ona julgamentu popular ne’ebe politiku sira halo iha Parlamentu Nasional.
“Ami nia bancada hakarak kongratula ba vise Primeiru Ministru ba nia disponiveldade tomak atu presta deklarasaun, informasaun no dadus sobre nia kazu,”dehan Adriano.(cos/mel)
Tribunal Absolve Kazu Jose Luis Guterres, “MP Sei Halo Rekursus Ba TR”
Jornal Nacional Diário - Kuarta, 11 Maio 2011
Dili-“Kazu Jose Luis Guterres nebe Tribunal Distrital Dili (TDD) hatun desizaun final hodi fo liberdade total ne’e, Ministeriu Públiku sei hato’o rekursu ba Tribunal rekursu (TR) iha faktus barak nebe juis la haree maske iha komprovadu iha faktus.
Prokuradoria Gerald a Repúblika Ana Pessoa koalia lia hirak ne’e ba jornalista sira hafoin partisipa serimonia Guarda Nacional Republikana (GNR) nian iha Kaikoli Dili wainhira husu ninia komentariu ba desizaun TDD nian.
Nia hateten parte Ministeriu Publiku sei halo rekursu ba Tribunal Rekursu tamba la simu desizaun nebe Tribunal Distrital Dili, nebe fo liderdade ba arguido ne’e tanba iha buat barak nebe juis sira la hare maske komprovadus iha faktus.
Ministeriu Publiku akuza Jose Luis Guterres halo korupsaun no abujo ba poder hodi transfere osan montante bo’ot ba ninia fe’en kaben Ana Maria Valeria nebe sai konseleriu iha embaixada Timor Leste nian iha Nova Iorke.
No iha segunda dia 9 de Maiu, Juis TribunalDistrital Dili hamonu senteza hodi fo liberdade total ba Jose LuisGuterres tanba tribunal konsidera akuzasaun nebe Ministeriu Publiku foti kontra Jose Luis Guterres laiha faktus ne’ebe forte.
Antes Tribunal foti desizaun ne’e, julgamentu ne’ebe halao iha dia 11 no 14 Abril tribunal rona arguido Jose Luis Guterres no sasin nain hat husi Ministeriu Negosiu Estranjeiru no Ministeriu Finansas.
Maibe faktus sira ne’ebe mai husi sasin katak, iha altura ne’eba TL tenki lalais nomea ema hodi tur iha Asemblei Jeral ONU nian mais TL laiha ema antaun tuir konvensaun Viana ne’ebe mak MNE ija fo dalan hodi nomeia ema estranjeiru.
Tanba ne’e bainhira TL nomeia tenke garante sira nia moris, hodi halao misaun Timor Leste iha ONU.
Ho faktus sira ne’ebe produs iha tribunallaiha duvida, tanba deklarasaun sira ne’e mostra ho seridade.
Tribunal mos deklara katak, husi faktus sira ne’e laaprova katak arguidu sira konklui (futu lia-red) hodi halo inkresimentu.
Tribunal mos deklara katak, laiha provas ne’ebe hatudu katak Arguidu Ana Maria simu pose husi intensaun privada mas pose ne’e hetan husi dalan legal ho la aprova katak, nomeasaun illegal no alojamentu illegal ne’e sira halo atu benefisia arguido Ana maibe tuir lei ne’ebe hakerek iha artigu 8 iha konvensaun Viana, tanba ne’e tribunaldeside katak, absolve (dibebaskan-red) arguidu Jose Luis Guterres, João Freitas Camara no Ana maria husi akujazaun MP iha artigu 2 lei 31/1999 konaba inkresimentu illegal, artigu 3 lei 31/1999 konaba abuju de poder iha kodigu penal Indonesia no artigu 301 konaba agravasaun no 302 konaba konseitu funsionariu iha kodiku penal Timor Leste.
Ho rajaun katak tribunal lahetan faktus konaba krimi ne’ebe arguido sira komete katak halo inkresimento illegal no abuju de poder tantu prosesu sira ne’e mai husi dalan legal no tuir lei.
Kazu refere, rejistu iha Tribunal ho numeru prosesu 266/C.ord/TDD/2010 ne’ebe kaer husi Juis kolektivo Dr. Joao Ribeiro, Dr. Joao Felgar no Dr. Alvaro Maia Freitas, prokurador Aderito Tilman, Luis Landim no Antonio Tavares no Defeza Sergio Ornai, Cancio Xavier no Cerilio
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