Tersa, 01 Marsu 2011 - 14:41:10 OTL
Posting Husi : Josefa Parada
Kategoria : Notisias Online - Le'e dala : 22 Ona.
DILI- Representante povu iha Uma Fukun Parlamentu Nasional (PN), konkorda no prontu
Konseillu Siguransa Organizasaun Nasoes Unidas (ONU) simu ona opsaun Estadu Timor Leste, hodi hakotu mandatu United Nations Integrated Mission in Timor Leste (UNMIT) iha tinan 2012.
“ Hau fiar, ita hotu bele konta katak ita nia rain 100% prontu no la presija tan Nasoens
Unidas (UN). Hakarak mos UN aproveta tempo nebe iha atu nafatin kontinua prepara li-liu ita nia forsa PNTL ho ita nia estrumentu seguransa seluk, atu bele sai professional liu no bele sai servidor ba povu, servidor ba lei no laos servidor ba inetese politiku ba ema ida nian,” tenik Deputadu Jose A. F. Teixeira ba STL iha edifisiu PN, Tersa (1/3).
Deputadu husi bankada Fretilin ne’e konkorda iha duni estabilidade no pas, tanba hanesan
lideransa Fretilin DR. Mari Alkatiri no Presidente Lo-Olu temi desde tinan kotuk kedas.
Tuir Deputadu Arao Noe de Jesus C. Amaral esplika katak ida ne’e disizaun estadu nian nebe nivel a’as atu orgaun estadu sira katak mandatu UNMIT tenki hotu iha 2012 ba ida ne’e hot-hotu tenki submete no respeita.
“hau konkorda hotu 2012 mais depois sei bele depois eleisaun, depois tomada pose, mandate sira ne’e kompletu ona foin maka husik ne-neik,” katak Arao.
Liafuan hanesan reforsa husi Deputadu Independenti Mateus de Jesus afirma katak, tuir nia observasaun se PM Xanana hateten ona ba Nova Yorke katak 2012 UNMIT tenki retira husi TL, tuir nia ne’e programa governu no estadu TL ninian, katak sira mos halo ona avaliasaun ida ba situasaun sira ba Timor. Tuir akordu nebe halo ho UN sira nebe maka promote katak 2012 ne’e tenki fila.
“ Hau hare katak polisia TL sira atu sai ona professional balun maibe presija estadu
ida ne’e tinan ida ho balun tende fo aumenta tan formasaun klean liu ba membru polisia sira, “ hateten Mateus.
ONU Simu Opsaun TL Hakotu Mandatu UNMIT Iha 2012
Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao iha nia relatoriu hato ba Konseillu Siguransa ONU iha Nova Yorke loron (22/02) katak, Instituisaun Falintil Forsa Defeza Timor Leste (F-
FDTL) no Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) prontu ona atu ker rasik lutu siguransa
soberania TL.
“UNMIT tenke husik TL iha 2012 tanba F- FDTL ho PNTL preparadu ona hodi simu
responsabilidade. Despedida ho misaun UNMIT sei realiza iha 20 de Maio 2012 hodi partisipa ema hotu,” dehan PM Xanana iha nia palavra.
PM Xanaan hatutan katak, maske UNMIT husu ona ba Estadu Timor Leste atu prolonga tan misaun UNMIT ba tinan ida (1), maibe Estadu TL desidi deit to 2012. PM dehan, UNMIT sei remata nia mandatu sei halao liu husi fersa independensia 20 de Maio 2012 nebe sei partisipa husi konvidadus internasional no povu TL.
PM Xanana hatutan katak, iha Maio 2006 liu ba Ministro Negosius Estrangeiros Jose
Ramos Horta ba ONU hodi halo apelu hodi hanaruk deit mandatu UNMIT to 2012. Jaime do Rosario
terça-feira, 1 de março de 2011
Hillary Clinton Husu PM Xanana Kontinua Hametin Demokrasia TL
Tersa, 01 Marsu 2011 - 14:43:01 OTL
Posting Husi : Josefa Parada
Kategoria : Notisias Online - Le'e dala : 46 Ona.
DILI– Ministra Negosiu Estranzeiru Estadus Unidos Amerika, Hillary Rodham Clinton husu ba Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, atu kontinua haforsa prosesu demokrasia nebe halao iha Timor Leste.
Tuir media Palasiu Governu, Jose Fausto “Oke Jadi” ba STL via email, Tersa (01/02) informa katak, durante sorumutu haromonia ne’e, Ministra Hillary Clinton promete sei konsulta atu kontinua fo apoiu TL rezolve nia problema iha areia importante, hodi nune’e nasaun TL bele moris iha paz ba dezemvolvimentu.
“Ami sei apoiu saida deit maka Timor Leste presiza, tanba Amerika sei fo apoiu ba mudansa
iha Timor Leste, tanba ne’e hau sente orgulhu simu ita bo’ot,” tenik Hillary durante
sorumutu ho PM Xanana.
MNE Amarika, Hillary informa katak, apoiu nebe Amerika sei fo maka atu hadia administrasaun estadu bele hetan boa governasuan, kombate korrupsaun no reduksaun pobraza no seluk tan.
Iha fatin hanesan, PM Xanana Gusmao mos hato agoradese ba Hillary Clinto hodi simu no halao inkontru ho nia hodi debate proseisu demokrasia nebe halao iha TL.
“Hau mos felista Ministra Negosiu Estranzeirus Sra. Hillary Clinton tanba hau sente orgulho
hodi naran povu Timor Leste mai hasoru ita bo’ot hodi hametin relasaun nebe TL halao ona ho Amerika atu kontinua fo apoiu hadia ami nia administrasan estadu bele lao diak iha futuru mai,” tenik PM Xanana agradese. Eugenio Pereira
Posting Husi : Josefa Parada
Kategoria : Notisias Online - Le'e dala : 46 Ona.
DILI– Ministra Negosiu Estranzeiru Estadus Unidos Amerika, Hillary Rodham Clinton husu ba Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao, atu kontinua haforsa prosesu demokrasia nebe halao iha Timor Leste.
Hillary Clinton kasu lia hirak ne’e wainhira halao inkontru harmonia ho Primeiru Ministru
Kay Xanana Gusmao iha nia knar fatin, Ministeiru Negosiu Estranzeiru Washington foin lalais
Kay Xanana Gusmao iha nia knar fatin, Ministeiru Negosiu Estranzeiru Washington foin lalais
Tuir media Palasiu Governu, Jose Fausto “Oke Jadi” ba STL via email, Tersa (01/02) informa katak, durante sorumutu haromonia ne’e, Ministra Hillary Clinton promete sei konsulta atu kontinua fo apoiu TL rezolve nia problema iha areia importante, hodi nune’e nasaun TL bele moris iha paz ba dezemvolvimentu.
“Ami sei apoiu saida deit maka Timor Leste presiza, tanba Amerika sei fo apoiu ba mudansa
iha Timor Leste, tanba ne’e hau sente orgulhu simu ita bo’ot,” tenik Hillary durante
sorumutu ho PM Xanana.
MNE Amarika, Hillary informa katak, apoiu nebe Amerika sei fo maka atu hadia administrasaun estadu bele hetan boa governasuan, kombate korrupsaun no reduksaun pobraza no seluk tan.
Iha fatin hanesan, PM Xanana Gusmao mos hato agoradese ba Hillary Clinto hodi simu no halao inkontru ho nia hodi debate proseisu demokrasia nebe halao iha TL.
“Hau mos felista Ministra Negosiu Estranzeirus Sra. Hillary Clinton tanba hau sente orgulho
hodi naran povu Timor Leste mai hasoru ita bo’ot hodi hametin relasaun nebe TL halao ona ho Amerika atu kontinua fo apoiu hadia ami nia administrasan estadu bele lao diak iha futuru mai,” tenik PM Xanana agradese. Eugenio Pereira
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
by: Timotio de Deus
Graduate Student
Transnational Law and Business University (TLBU)
The Graduate School of Law in Seoul
South Korea
In the context of Timor Leste, the word “rape” several times it was misused or misinterpreted by many people in some extends. It is not only misused by the common people who do not study law however, some people who study law as well, include those who work either in the women rights or in the human rights field in general. A paternity case which is supposed to be considered as a civil matter, sometimes, they considered it as a rape case. Things are mixed up sometimes. It is happen because they just speak out what they understood and heard from mouth to mouth without cross checking the right term to be put in the right context. The source to find the correct definition of the word “rape” is the law which regulate that matter or other related international instruments which regulate such a rape matter. The definition outside the law, sometimes, in this sense will not be considered by the court in the decision. In the context of Timor Leste, Decree Law no.19/2009 which approves the Penal Code and Law no.7/2010 on Domestic Violence are the sources to find the correct definition with regard to the word “rape”. The rape in question shall be considered as a crime and as a public crime whether it is a marital rape or non marital rape both are criminal matters. Absolutely any type of rape is criminalized by Timor Leste’s laws.
Decree law No.19/2009 which approves the Timor Leste Penal Code has defined clearly the distinctions between sexual aggression with sexual exploitation and sexual abuse. Sexual exploitation is regulated in section II of Chapter III. Sexual abuse is regulated under section IV of the Chapter and Sexual coercion and rape are defined clearly under the sexual aggression which is provided for under section II of Chapter III of the mentioned decree law. Specially, in regard to rape case is defined clearly under article 172 of Penal Code: “Any person who, by the means referred to in the previous article (article 171), practices vaginal, anal, or oral coitus with another person or forces the same to endure introduction of objects into the anus or vagina is punishable with 5 to 15 years imprisonment”.
In relation to “merital rape”, the above descrived article does not emphesize much on merital rape. However, by the existence of Law on Domestic Violence, Law No. 7/2010, which is provided for under article 35 (b) and article 36, strongly emphesized that merital rape is included as a crime and as a public crime under the law on domestic violence.
If the merital rape in question exists or claimed by the victim in question, Law on Domestic Violence, as an especial law shall be applied. As paragraph 2 of sub-paragraph b of article 2 with regard to the concept on Domestice Violence of the mentioned law, defined: Sexual violence, understood to be any conduct that constrains any person to witness, engage, or take part in an undesired sexual relation, even if within marriage, through intimidation, threat, coercion or use of force, or that limits or annuls the exercise of one’s sexual and reproductive rights;
To sum up, both merital rape and non-marital rape are criminalized by Timor Leste’s laws. The term “rape” in this sense is referred to a criminal matter. It is not a civil matter. In this regard, rape matters criminilized by Law on Domestic Violence as the especial law and Penal Code as general law.
Article 11 of Law no. 7/2010 on Domestic Violence demands Government to include topics relating to human rights in school curricula, particularly topics related to gender, including references to the importance of love, sexuality, and the principle of the negotiated settlement of conflicts.***
La Husu Rezignasaun ba Vice PM Fretilin Sadik Xanana Nia Barani
Monday, 28 February 2011
Tempo Semanal-Dili,02.03.2011
Iha karta refere PM la temi lia fuan husu rezignasaun vice PM, DR. Jose Luis Guterres maibe sita de'it katak vice PM ne'e atu ba tuir prosesu justica iha Tribunal distrital Dili iha loron tempu badak.
Posted by TEMPO SEMANAL at 22:53
Primeiru Ministru Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao hakerek ba Prezidenti da Republika hodi informa nomeiasau Ministra Financas DRA. Emilia Pires, hanesan responsavel ba atividades governasaun too nia fila husi vizita ba estranjeiru iha loron 11/03/2011.

Haree ba lala'ok ne'e bankada opozisaun deklara katak Fretilin liu husi ninia lia nain DR. Jose Texeira hateten, "ema hotu iha direitu ba presunsaun inosensia, tan ba tribunal de'it maka bele halo julgamentu la'os publiku."
Maibe deputadu ne'e foo hanoin katak, "Ita agora daudauk ko'alia la'os kona ba ema halo sala ka la'e. Maibe ita ko'alia kona ba etika no responsabilizasaun governasaun nian."
Fretilin sei ezije nafatin atu Primeiru Ministru hasai ninia membru sira ne'ebe tama ona iha lista de investigasaun prokuradoria da republika ninian hodi so'e biadas ba eis Prezidenti da Republika ne'ebe ukun IV Governu konstitusional kona ba kazu rezignasaun DR. Mari alkatiri ho ninia membru seluk iha 2006.
"Hanesan Xefe do Governu de faktu ne'e gaba beibeik uluk iha elisaun katak nia goverrnu sei sai "mudansa" ba boa governasaun ida, nune'e mos gaba daudauk. Entaun loloos nia ezije ona rezignasaun husi membru governu ne'ebe hetaan investigasaun formal husi ministeiru publiku, especialmente depois membru Governu hetaan notofikasaun husi tribunal nu'udar arguido. Tan ba ne'e maka sasukat, nia rasik uluk foti bainhira nia ezije kedas rezignasaun husi eis PM iha 2006 tan ba de'it haree akuzasaun falsu iha reportajem televizaun Australiano ida naran four corners," relembra Texeira.
Deputadu ne'e akresenta no lian husu hodi dehan katak, "Nia ezije mos eis Ministro defeza no eis Ministro Interior tenke hasai, maske iha alegasaun de'it, la iha nem akuzasaun Ministeiru Publiku. Ne'e maka ninia sasukat rasik bainhira nia PR. Agora oin seluk tan ba sa?"
Ho lian maka'as deputadu ne'ebe mai husi partidu mais votade maibe la konsege kae'r ukun iha governasaun periodu 2007 no 2012 ne'e sadik Governu Xanana ninia atu haree hikas ba akontesimentu iha tinan lima kotuk.
"Maibe ninia hahalok agora daudaun husik hela membru Governu iha sira nia kargu maske akuzasaun seriu iha ona, mos iha impaktu negativu tebes ba imajen governasaun iha ita nia rain," deklara Texeira.
"Ita la'os ko'alia kona ba legalidades, ita ko'alia kona ba etika politika no governasaun. Ita presiza standarte izemplu governasaun no etika governasaun ida ne'ebe di'ak liu duke ida ne'ebe xefe do governu hatudu daudauk. Tan ba ne'e mos maka uluk nia promete maibe ikus mai la implementa fali."
Alegasaun kontra vice Primeiru Ministru sei hahu julgamentu iha loron 02/03/2011 ho maratona to'o loron 09/03/2011. (TS)
Luta Ba Ukun Aan Mala'e Balun terus Liu Fali Timor Oan Maibe La Sura Kolen

Jose Afonso mai vizita Timor Leste dezde 1993 no konsege hasoru malu ho membru klandestina balun hafoin de misa domingo nian iha kapela rezidencia Bispokopal ninian.
Dezde momentu ne'eba Jose Afonso sempre mai beibeik hodi sakrifika ninia vida jovens tomak ba nasaun ne'e nia futuru to'o agora.
Hafoin Nasaun ne'e liberta husi husi okupasaun Militar Indonesia ne'ebe daudaun ne'e sai fali hanesan vijinus bo'ot TL, Jose Afonso (Tosi) sempre mai fali nasaun ne'ebe nia tulun hodi luta ba independensia ne'e kada tinan.
Maluk ne'e dala ruma hela iha TL besik tinan maka fila ba ninia rain moris fatin Japaun. Nia sempre mai hela no ninia belun Timor oan sira iha Vila Verde no Bekora.
Kada fulan Tolu Jose Afonso tenke gasta ninia osan hodi kadopa bis ba Mota ain hodi husik hela TL, ho durasaun oras ruma nia laran de'it, atu prienxe rekezitus imigrasaun nasaun ne'e ninia antes tama fali mai TL ne'ebe uluk nia mos sofre ba.
Jose Afonso ne'e ema ida ne'e hakraik aan tebes i nia nunka loko aan katak nia kuinese boot nasaun ne'e ninian. Ho nia pasta koor mean metan Jose Afonso lor-loron sempre hodi ain sukat liuron husi bekora to'o komoro ou dala ruma to'o tasi tolu. Bainhira hela iha Bekora susar atu hetan ema nia oan ne'e toba iha kulisaun no kama maske prepara duni ba nia. Nia hakerek libru lubun ida ona kona ba Timor Leste no nia istoria iha lian japones.
Jose Afonso ema ida ke natural tebes. Nia Heroi boot nasaun Timor Leste maibe nunka hetaan fasilidade ba ninia vistu hanesan ema estranjeiru seluk ne'ebe dala ruma la halo bu'at barak hanesan Japonese ida ne'e maibe tan ba iha osan no kuinese diak ulun bo'ot nasaun ninian sempre fasilita.
Maske dala barak ninia moris hetan difikuldades maibe Jose Afonso kala apaga tiha ona lian halerik husi ninia dicionariu maris nian no nia nunka hateten aat eis lider da resistencia ninia hodi ezije rekuinesimentu ruma.
Jose Afonso agora ninia idade avanca daudaun ona no ninia oin mudansa maka’as maibe nia sei esforsu hamutuk ho ninia maluk alijadus sira iha Japaun hodi tulun independencia ba alijadus balun iha Timor Leste.
Iha foto segundu ne'e mostra husi liman karuk, adjunto Lintel, Saudozu Ular Rihik, Xefe estadu Maior das Falintil daudaun ne'e komandante Jeneral F-FDTL, Taur Matan Ruak, Tur Eis Sub Xefe Estado maior das falintil no primeiru Komandante Rejiaun II, David Alex Daitula Naga Funu no iha liman loos Taraleu (jose Belo).

La'o no subar hamutuk ho grupu Sub Xefe Estadu Maior David Alex Dai Tula ninian durante loron lubun ruma hodi konsege hakat liu kordaun dalan ostiku ho Loilubu. Ema lubun ne'e la'o kalan de'it hodi ses husi postu no patroliamentu TNI sira nian no Dominic sempre sama tuir Irmaun Maulindo ninian ain fatin to'o gerileiru nain sanolu ho Sub Xefe Dai Tulu lori Dominic to'o iha Xefe Estado Maior Taur Matan Ruak nia la'o fatin.
Hafoin deskansa husi kolen no Dominic halo intervista ho Xefe Estado Maior Falintil ne'e ba dahuluk ho video. Depois halo halo prepasaun ba asaltu no haruka uluk ekipa de verifikasaun terenu komanada husi segundu komanadante Rejiaun II saudozu Ular ne'ebe mate iha tinan kotuk.
Forsa Armadas Libertasaun Nasional de Timor Leste (Falintil), festeiza ninia aniversariu ho kilat nia tarutu iha 20/08/1996 ne'ebe ba dala uluk mos hetaan kovertura husi jornalista internasional ida dezde Indonesia anikila jornalista nain lima iha Balibo.
Iha Festa tinan ba dala rua nolu resin ida ne'e Falintil lakon ninia oan diak rua hanesan Saudozu Luli hetan tiru husi TNI no Jery halai ketak tiha maka TNI kaptura iha Ossu no husi parte Indonesia sofre soldadus rua inklui sira nia kilat.
Mais ou Menus tuku neen liu Falintil sira hakat hikas ona ba ai laran akompania husi Dominic no kalan ne'eba sei toba hamutuk no iha loron 21/08/1996 Xefe Estadu Maior das Falintil fahe malu ho grupu Sub Xefe ninian.
Dominic la'o hamutuk ho grupu Komandante Dai Tula ninian mai fali area Baukau ninian liu husi loilubu hodi mai sai tama fali vila via kaixa Kaikeri ho Taringa ninian iha loron 24/08/1996 no ninia material sira direje tuir ema hatais mutin ida ne'ebe daudaun ne'e sai hanesan kapeleaun dahuluk ba F-FDTL. (TS)
Xanana Nominated Emilia As CareTaker And Allow His Deputy PM To Stand Trial
Tempo Semanal-Dili, 01.03.2011
East Timor Prime Minister Xanana Gusmao Wrote from Havana (28/02) the country's President, DR. Jose Ramos Horta on the nomination Emilia Pires the current Finance Minister as his caretaker until Xanana's return East Timor on 11/03/2011.

In the same letter PM allow his current Deputy PM, DR. Jose Luis Guterres to stand trial which plan to start from tomorrow (02/03) until 09/03/2011.
“It having come to my knowledge that Deputy Prime Minister, will soon be heard by the Court,” Xanana explain.
Xanana letter already in the parliament and was confirmed by CNRT banch.
“I think the PM letter is explain very detail that he has nominated Minister Finance to take care all Government affairs till his return,” said Aderito Hugo da costa the spokesperson from CNRT Party in Parliament.
The parliament has not seat yet to discuss about the remove the Immunity of Deputy PM.
“Immunity is not a problem here. The PM’s letter is in the parliament and has been looking into it carefully. It’s not a matter to remove or not to remove the immunity. The important things here is the person is going to stand the trail as set by the court,” Hugo said.
Fretilin has demand for the removal of DR. Jose Luis Guterres from his position but the parliament has not removed Deputy PM’s immunity to stand until today.
The East Timor Prosecution office alleged Deputy PM involve in allegation of Corruption and Nepotisms offer the appointment of his wife as second secretary to East Timor mission for UN in New york in 2006.
But President DR. Ramos Horta has declared publicly that he was recommended for the nomination and the deputy Foreign Minister who has signed the contract is not accused in the case.
In PM’s letter not mention the name of his Foreign Minister DR. Zacarias Albano da Costa which Dili District tribunal has rejected his involvement in the same case on 19/11/2010.
But in the annual report to the country parliament in last two weeks ago, East Timor’s Prosecutor General, DRA. Ana Pessoa still mention DR. Zacarias Albano da Costa as one of the accused. (TS)
Rejistu Ba Militantes,“CNRT 125 Mil Ona No FRETILIN 80 MIl”
Dili-“Rezultadu Preliminariu husi preparasaun partidus politikus ba elisaun jeral 2012, Partidu CNRT oras ne’e ninia militante rejistu ona 125 mil no partidu FRETILIN 80 mil.
Sekretariu Jeral Partidu CNRT, Deonisio Babo afirma ba Jornalista Diario, Kinta (24/2) katak, to’o agora ema ne’ebe rejistu formal ona hanesan militante CNRT hamutuk 125 mil, numeru ne’e sei bele aumenta tan, tanba prosesu rejistu sei lao namanas hela.
“Programa bot rua mak ami halo, formaliza estrutura iha teritoriu tomak estabelese ona, i preparasaun sira ne’e iha ona 95%,”katak Deonisio Babo.
Nia hatutan, normalmente kuandu halo levantamentus dadus ba militantes sira atu buka hatene lolos numeru militantes ne’ebe mak hakarak sai duni militantes CNRT nian.
“Militantes sira ne’e ba CNRT nia posiblidade atu compete iha elisaun jeral 2012 no elisaun Municipiu, maibe ami nia target liliu maka ba iha elisaun jeral 2012, i CNRT hakarak manan maioria no hetan konfiansa makas husi povu sira, atu dudu nafatin maun bot Xanana ba Governu hatu hadia povu nia moris,”katak Deonisio Babo.
NUNE’E MOS SEKRETARIU JERAL, Partidu FRETILIN, Marí Alkatiri hateten, sira nia militante rejistu ona 80 mil no seidauk rejistu hotu, tanba oras ne’e dadaun rejistu sei kontinua.
Marí Alkatiri koalia ida ne’e iha malam dana FRETILIN, Sesta (11/2) foin lalais ne’e iha Hotel Arbiru, Pantai Kelapa, Dili, Marí Alkatiri koalia iha malam danaFRETILIN ne’e katak, iha baze de dadus komputador iha ona militantes eskrita 80 mil.
“To ohin loron (Sesta 11/2) hau hakarak informa katak iha baze dadus komputador, iha ona militante skrita 80 mil, maibe ami fiar to’o elisaun sei barak liu, tanba 70 mil iha liur seidauk rejistu, iha 150 mil militantes mak sei vota ba Presidente no Sekretariu Jeral Partidu FRETILIN, iha kongresu mai,”hateten Marí Alkatir.das
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